I want to make that round cornes in a theme for win7 and i dont know how to do that.
i have play around after i have see an example on a vista theme but with no result. please help it's in the Shell/PreviewPane/1/1
in Vista it's the shinelayer for the previewpane background,
MS uses it in 7 for the complete previewpane (not very elegant).
but you can reactivate it again as shinelayer with the bottomcurve like M7 or anything else
it's one of my favourite theming parts
and i've used it in many variations in my themes
You can also take the Previewpane/1/2 as secondary shinelayer for different Panetypes (for example Games or Save-As Dialog)
but you have to link to it in shellstyle.txt
(the second shinelayer once was dedicated for vertical Panes which Vista (&7) never used)
if you want to see it in action, look into my Firedance VS
the same goes for explorer/CommandModule/1 for the Folderband