Hi to everyone
After a long search I have a few questions regarding changing the color and images on some places and I hope some of you can help me.
1. Is it possible to change this blur text with a clear text without cleartype. I do not know why MS loves this shit cleartype stuff. I'm a a grafiker and this cleartype is horror for us.
http://img197.imageshack.us/i/snag0000.png/2. I changed all the tooltip stuff with this style:
http://img44.imageshack.us/i/snag0002.png/except the tooltip that appears under the caption buttons, see here:
http://img407.imageshack.us/i/snag0001.png/I want to change this also to the new style, but can't find find the locations where to!
3. Where can I change this font to Verdana or Tahoma. This is a dialog box but I do not know where to put the font attribute:
http://img5.imageshack.us/i/snag0003m.png/Thanks to all!