Hey guys, new to VSB and don't really know my way around.
So, I love how mac OSX has no window borders, and want to do the same on my windows desktop. I had found a vista style that didn't have any (
http://jasonito.deviantart.com/art/No-Borders-121239556) tried porting it and it didn't work for whatever reason. So I said no biggie, I'll just edit the visual style I'm already using. Well that didn't work out as well as I had hoped. I tried just erasing the images for the borders that this visual style uses, and it just defaulted those borders back to the default aero look. So then I changed the margin sizes and that didn't do anything (as far as I noticed)
Working under Windows and Caption BUttons > DWM Window > Frames > Normal
I'm fairly certain im in the correct area because when i edited the image, the proper borders changed.
ANyone have an idea of how I could do this?