if you use Vista:
for the separator, like said Koumy
1) About the "favorites links" text: is not localized in VSB, but in your shellstyle. Search this text (in the middle):
<if id="atom(ProperTreeLinksHeader)">
foreground="themeable(argb(255, 139, 139, 139), windowtext)"
background="themeable(argb(255, 252, 252, 252), window)"
font="gtf(textstyle, TEXT_BODYTEXT, 0)"
You can :
a) change the font of this text (the type, the style, the size and its color): for example ( just replace the "font" text by)
<if id="atom(ProperTreeLinksHeader)">
foreground="themeable(argb(255, 114, 130, 147), windowtext)"
fontface="The name of your font here"
fontsize="The size of your fontrp"
fontstyle= "shadow" (or delete it)
<if id="atom(ProperTreeLinksHeader)">
foreground="themeable(argb(255, 114, 130, 147), windowtext)"background="resbmp(113,6,0,0,0,0,0)"padding="rect(28rp,0rp,25rp,7rp)"
fontface="Lucida Grande Bold"
fontsize="15rp"b) you can add your own image: like shown, in the background line, place this text (before add your own image):
background="resbmp(113,6,0,0,0,0,0)" (113= the number of your image in the Bitmap folder)
2) for the background of the "folder" text: Explorer & Shell > Shell > ProperTree > <1>
you can also change the style of these text: just follow the same instructions; search this text
<if id="atom(ProperTreeHeader)"> and following
3) for the background of explorer: in Vista unfortunaly also in your shellstyle: search this text:
foreground="themeable(ARGB(255, 0, 0, 0), windowtext)"
background="themeable(ARGB(255, 252, 252, 252), window)"
sortcolumn="themeable(ARGB(255, 252, 252, 252), window)"
subtext="ARGB(255, 139, 139, 139)"
and change the "background" and "sortcolumn" color
question: what the name of your icons you use ?? (for the folder i mean)