Too Nice! Thanx 3am! Just when I was about to give up
I should have started Res Spy before opening ie9, and not just before clicking. This way 4 UIFILES appear : 20497 (the good one!), 20743 (...), 20738 and 50248.
My problem was the text :
To adjust font size of the message text, in 20497 just go the line 29 (I changed fontsize="9pt" to "6pt") :
<element layoutpos="left" layout="borderlayout()">
<element id="atom(messageholder)" layoutpos="client" layout="borderlayout()">
<DUINotificationText id="atom(messagetext)" layoutpos="client" accRole="statictext" accName="resstr(0xA0C2)" accessible="true" contentalign="middleleft | endellipsis" fontsize="6pt"/>
And you're done !then just for the fun (and obviously the knowledge of all that stuff) :
To change the font of this text, we can go directly at line 3, the 1st code line (I changed font="gtf(TEXTSTYLE, 4, 0)" to "menufont") :
<element id="atom(root)" resid="main" sheet="styleDynamic" bordercolor="themeable(rgb(0, 0, 0), windowframe)" borderthickness="rect(1, 1, 1, 1)" layout="filllayout()" font="menufont" accessible="true" accname="resstr(0xA0C0)" accrole="toolbar">
And if someone someday wants to change the font of the buttons text, it's at line 514 (here font="gtf(TEXTSTYLE, 4, 0)" is put to "captionfont") :
<style resid="DUIToolbarButtonStyle">
<if id="atom(ActionButtonLabel)">
<Element background="argb(0, 0, 0, 0)" contentalign="middleleft" font="captionfont" layoutpos="client"/>
can't manage to change just the buttons text font size, as for the message text color. only got the buttons text color by adding a foreground property somewhere, I think that was at line 3.
PandaX was right, that was in a UIFILE...