Here's a screen of a theme I did,those buttons are 14x14 mounted in the middle of a 28x24 transparent background,I'd suggest mounting them in a transparent background the same size as the original aero buttons for your first go . Took me a while when I first did these,if you get really stuck I'll send you this theme and you can open it in vsb to see how I did it...
Could you, please? I'm really having trouble. This isn't working at all.
Caption Buttons are hard to get right you just have to keep working the images and making everything else transparent. Keep editing the images until you have the right shape, size and position. Especially circles...
You can make your own also. Just make the originals transparent. Or make the original glyphs transparent and add yours right on your buttons. Or do both...
It takes a lot of work to get them looking right. Hours of work or more. But you can do it.
And don't forget about the glows. They have to be resized and shaped too. Or make the originals transparent and make your own. Or get rid of them altogether.
Ugh, okay, thanks.
Random question; where do I change the progress bars?