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Main / Notices / Re: Windows Style Builder 1.6 XML Changes
on: May 24, 2011, 03:25:07 pm
When I load the 1.6.0 files (this is the second time) I get errors in the information panel where before I was getting info. ![]( Can anyone tell me where I'm going wrong? One thing I did notice, when using Beyond Compare to see if I could spot anything, is that one, maybe two of the 1.4.1 files were UTF-8. whereas the replacements are ANSI. Would this be it? TIA Elmer.
Help / Windows 7 / Windows Explorer Aero Frame Parts
on: January 04, 2011, 08:21:18 pm
I'm apologising in advance for this question but I'm unable to change anything of the Windows Explorer Frame, i.e the Aero glass bits. ![]( Can someone tell me where I'm supposed to be looking as I feel I'm changing the totally wrong image files.
Help / Windows 7 / Add Logon Background to theme
on: September 13, 2010, 05:35:01 pm
Is it possible to incorporate a logon background into a "theme"?
I've noticed in the windows system theme files that immediately under the theme display name is a line SetLogonBackground=0
Making me curious!
Help / Windows 7 / Re: Progress Bars, Changing "Active Bar" Colours
on: September 12, 2010, 09:05:12 pm
3am to my rescue again! Thanks mate.
I'm still getting the colour fringing issue sadly, in the live or active progress bars.
BTW I mentioned bitmaps, as I remember one resource editor used to extract bitmaps when the image was actually png. Or visa versa. Which one it was... Well I was playing with XP, and that's a few years back.
Help / Windows 7 / Re: Using Search to find all Font (Or anything else!!)
on: September 12, 2010, 05:43:58 pm
Search for font in properties. It will show you every location with a font.
Search Segoe in values. It will show you every location with a Segoe font.
Use the drop down menu on the Search Box (arrow on right) to find properties, values etc.
Thankyou 3am (F@@k Sh!t 'n' B@ll@x!, I knew I'd forgotten something!) I just found all fonts in 15 seconds, as opposed to spread over 15 hours!
Help / Windows 7 / Progress Bars, Changing "Active Bar" Colours
on: September 12, 2010, 05:40:47 pm
I've found and managed to replace the progress bar with my own blue, instead of the default green. The problem I'm having is with the "live" or "active" one, a.k.a when searching updates. This is the "bog standard live or active" I'm trying to change. ![]( Any pointers to a tutorial would be helpful! (I'm thinking like how much a pain the Start button used to be to show transparency).I always end up with a gross colour fringing, this goes for most of the "alternative" colours I've found on the web as well. Makes me think that they may actually not really be png with alpha, but bitmaps with alpha. Or I'm obviously trying to make them wrong! This is the "bog standard", looks 2 sided to me, not "round". ![]( . This is "my bog standard" rounded. ![]( I'd like to modify this one to make a rounded "active" progress bar, and to match the colours!! As a second question. Is it possible to change the HDD progress bars under 'My' Computer without affecting the normal progress bars? Thanks again. Elmer
Help / Windows 7 / Using Search to find all Font (Or anything else!!)
on: September 12, 2010, 05:11:33 pm
Hi, Sorry if this is (trust me, it is!!) total Noob.
I wanted to change all fonts in the basic aero.msstyles from Segoe UI to Arial. I finally managed this in little spurts by a manual search.
BUT. I tried to use the search function by:- FONT, Font, FONT:FONT, Segoe, Segoe UI but each search attempt returned no results (hence the manual bit!!). Did I miss something off when searching for all font entries, i.e. a wild card? If I did would I use the same (syntax) wild card for alternative searches (e.g. a colour).
Thanks for your patience.
Help / Windows 7 / Re: Extracting Resources
on: September 04, 2010, 02:03:05 pm
Thanks to PandaX and 3am for the answers.
I like the "search for IMAGE#" idea!
And I agree with you 3am, I should learn the "names". Sadly for me I've spent my life working with numbers and they, to me, are easier to remember than names (even my wife has to walk round with a name tag on, lest I forget!!).
Help / Windows 7 / Re: Hover & Selected Folder Highlight Colour Change
on: September 04, 2010, 01:55:45 pm
Explorer & Shell > Explorer > Items View > ListView > ListItem > Hot, Selected, Selected Not Focus & HotSelected
Thanks 3am, that sorted it. The one I was quoted as Explorer & Shell > Explorer > ListView > ListItem > HotSelected came in handy as well as it changed the desktop select highlights. I'm still confused as to why I can't find any lurid green images when I extract all the resources in the msstyle I downloaded though! ![Huh?](
Help / Windows 7 / Extracting Resources
on: September 03, 2010, 03:24:13 pm
Can you extract all Resources with Style Builder?
I usually use Restorator, sometimes Reshack, to extract resources but the problem I have is relating (as an example only) lets say, #805.png that I get from Restorator to StartPanelComposited__StartPanelPriv_LogoffExtended.png (IMAGE#881) that I'm getting from Style Builder.
Or is there a magic formula:- "Style Builder image #(881)" − 76 = "Restorator image #(805)"??
Should I get a different resource extraction program?
Any help etc. etc.
Help / Windows 7 / Hover & Selected Folder Highlight Colour Change
on: September 03, 2010, 03:01:37 pm
I'm trying to change the highlight colours when you hover over a folder or file and the the same when you select them. So far I've been told to change the image for the selected folder at Explorer & Shell > Explorer > ListView > ListItem > HotSelected but when I go to test mode I'm seeing no change. I've also downloaded an msstyle that's changed the selected and highlighted colour to a lurid green 8) . But when I extract all resources with Restorator, there's not a lurid green image in sight!! ![Huh?]( I'm assuming that once I find the correct selected image to change, the hover image will be in the same group. TIA Elmer
Help / Windows 7 / Re: Image as Start Menu background?
on: August 25, 2010, 11:47:56 pm
Thanks a lot for that 3am. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. Helping me a great deal. Good guess on the type of background image the Step-daughters after as well!! That (and this now!!) thread's been bookmarked. Hint: Look around for themes that have images in these places. Download and open them with WSB. See what they did. Easy way to learn ![Wink]( Strangely, that was my first thought. But they must be a bit like taxis on a wet Friday night. When you're looking for one, you can't bloody find one!! Elmer
Help / Windows 7 / Re: Image as Start Menu background?
on: August 22, 2010, 10:31:46 pm
Thanks PandaX, I'll dive in tomorrow. As you can see, doing this with 7 is all new to me!
(And you can teach an old dog new tricks!!)
PandaX Should I be forgetting what I learnt in XP? Or use it as a memory nudge?
Help / Windows 7 / Image as Start Menu background?
on: August 22, 2010, 09:29:20 pm
Well on my "practice" msstyles I've managed to change all the png files to colour the Start menu, many thanks to 3ams' excellent tutorials. My step-daughter thought it was horrid (it's only a practice, lurid lime-green one after all!), but now she's discovered I can do things like this, well, I've nearly hit Demi-God status!! So, she's using the bog standard aero.msstyles, coloured to her liking, but she now wants me to change the Start Menu white background for an image. Is this possible in VSB? Would I need to use a.n.other software (I have Restorator and ResHack always available)? I understand the principle of "stretch", "tile" etc. (from XP)** so I'm assuming if I can do this then a fixed size Start Menu is going to have to be used.
Now, there's Demi-God status stretching to Mega-God status at threat here!!
** Or should I be forgetting everything I learnt about modifying "themes" when I modified XP now I'm using 7? (I skipped Vista)
Tips and Visual Styles / StyleHacks / Re: Taskbar Clarity
on: August 21, 2010, 03:05:28 am
I don't know anything about Photoshop. Wish I had a wife who'd buy PS5 as a Christmas present for me! Aah! When I said I wanted PS5, I think she thought it was a new aftershave!! (Revenge for £3k settee!!)
Tips and Visual Styles / StyleHacks / Re: Taskbar Clarity
on: August 21, 2010, 02:46:38 am
Just color your taskbar images and adjust their opacity in an image editor.
Check out Taskbar image locations in my Taskbar maps in Tutorials section.
Watch my Beginners video in Tips & Tricks section.
You can adjust opacity in Gimp for instance using the Opacity Slider in the Layers dialogue.
Is it really that simple?? I thought (probably wrongly) that the taskbar or any other image that adjustments could be made to, had to be "lacking colour". As in, a Photoshop, I have PS5 (Chrimble prezzy off SWMBO!!, so after all them ££££ I don't want to use GIMP!!), anyway a PS5 layer mask is black to white, you don't see the black, you see the white, it affects what you do see. Please accept my ignorance, I'm new to this. As an example, the bog standard taskbar (msstyles #'s 839 & 840) were a white (1 pixel) square highlight, a very dark low light above, and the actual bits I would call the taskbar were a mid to dark neutral tapering to nearly nothing. So, the more "BLACK" I can see, the less the desktop can see. Did I get that right? Also, if I made a pea-soup green task bar, I believe, no matter what I do in the Personalise Window it will always be Pea green? (Now that is a daft Q, Elmer, you know that answer!). I apologise for what may seem like totally "eejit" questions to you, but if I know the basics (for definite) the less winky questions will appear down the road!! And Thanks 3am for your original answer. Elmer
Main / Notices / Re: Windows Style Builder 1.6 XML Changes
on: August 21, 2010, 02:25:00 am
This (I hope!) will be the final N00b question from me. Not toooooo bad as only began using late yesterday!! The Question:-
You're talking about 1.6 and I've just got 1.5. How do I know when an update is available? I agree with other previous posts though, would be handy to have the XML files as a "pre-empt" to the official release.
Got to add, after the "ease" of doing XP (I skipped vista) 7 seems a bit complicated (different paths) to mod. This apps made my life so much easier!
Tips and Visual Styles / StyleHacks / Taskbar Clarity
on: August 21, 2010, 12:10:19 am
So, I want a coloured "clear" taskbar. As in, if you use Photoshop, add 0.2 to 1.0 Gaussian blur to a text passage, you can still see what it says but it's not pin sharp. That's the effect I'm after. Using the bog standard aero.msstyles a my base, I can see a window through the task bar but absolutely nothing is legible. Can any one help? More to the point, does that make any sense? B.T.W. Running Win7 x64
as a N00b here, so many questions, so little time!
Tips and Visual Styles / StyleHacks / Re: Win7 Userpic Center Stylehack
on: August 20, 2010, 11:56:59 pm
Hi, N00b to WSB and here. T'names Befuddled. Elmer BeFuddled. Though did I mess about with my mates Style Builder on Vista while I was still living in a cave with XP. After doing that and moving up to 7, I thought I'd dip me hand in me pocket and get me own WSB (and not a regret yet, just yet!!). So, pray tell. What's the difference in the downloads? 64 against 32??
OK, OK. Ignore that. The difference is PNG or ZIP. Doh!!