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Help / Windows 10 / inactive titlebar text
on: February 19, 2016, 06:31:26 pm
I am trying to change the inactive titlebar text to white like that active titlebar, I changed the text color to white in all active and inactive in Windows and Caption Buttons > Aero > Dwm Window > Frames > Normal > Top also changed the captiontext and inactivecaptiontext to white in fonts and system metrics. I did not change any images just the text. Thank you Jerry
Help / Windows 7 / Space below caption buttons
on: January 23, 2014, 11:20:55 pm
Is it possible to remove that space under the caption buttons where the red arrow is pointing? Or is it possible to lower the caption buttons to center that space? Thank you Jerry
Help / Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 / Re: OldNewExplorer
on: December 05, 2013, 07:56:50 pm
First you have to edit UIFILES 23 and 24 in either 7 or 8 shell32 ( it doesn't matter which) so they point to images in your msstyles instead of the usual bitmap graphics. You can do this in three ways: 1) Like I showed you where I made them point to the image at Explorer & Shell > Explorer > Control Panel > ControlPanel > LargeCommandArea (or ControlPanel, 12, 0). You can point to a different image at each location. I just did one for a simple example. 2) Or have them point to images you put in empty parts of your msstyles 3) Or edit the ClassMaps.xml in WSB with new parts, states and names in your msstyles where you place images (for example here's some Grim did: you have the UIFILES edited you have to add a new Resource to your 8.1 shellstyle.dll named SHELL32_UIFILE and put your UIFILES in it so that OldNewExplorer can reference them. Please bear with me I'm not quite understanding this. I have edited the shell32.dll in both System32 and SysWOW64 folders (this is in Windows 8.1) using the Mark's UIFILES files from above, the problem is after I have change them(by going through Windows 7 and access Windows 8.1 partition and change them) and tried to start it goes into a repair loop and I have to either use system restore or go in from my Windows 7 and access Windows 8.1 partition and change them back and then it will start. So am I supposed to be editing the shell32.dll in both System32 and SysWOW64 folders? I think I understand how to add the SHELL32_UIFILE to the shellstyle.dll in the theme folder. Thanks Jerry Jerry
Help / Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 / Re: OldNewExplorer
on: December 05, 2013, 01:12:41 am
Are you not using OldNewExplorer?
I have it installed and using it for removing the ribbon, is there a way to use it for the control panel top and left panel? Thanks Jerry
Help / Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 / Re: OldNewExplorer
on: December 04, 2013, 05:51:54 pm
Thanks Mark will try them out.
I tried to try them but I have not been successful in changing the shell32.dll in Windows 8.1(one time changing the .bmp images and now just trying with Mark's files above), I've tried taking ownership and giving permission renaming the old one coping in the new one and when I go to restart it won't start it goes into a repair mode, I've even tried changing the system files using a different partition using Windows 7 and I get the same thing. Has anybody successfully changed the shell32.dll in Windows 8.1? Thanks Jerry
Help / Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 / Re: OldNewExplorer
on: December 04, 2013, 01:37:19 pm
Thought you may like the UI files from Windows 8.1 instead, they have been converted from Binary to text with a tool I got from Tihiy called duib2xml.exe but I am not allowed to give this to anyone, if you guys want it then you will have to ask him about it yourselves, I think this tool may be too powerful in the wrong hands though so he might say no.
Thanks Mark will try them out. Jerry
Help / Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 / Re: OldNewExplorer
on: November 27, 2013, 03:54:25 pm
Just in case anyone who is using this program doesn't know how to change the Control Panel top and side panels using Windows 7 shell32 UI files because you can't use the usual bitmaps. Here's how:
In this case I replaced the bitmaps with the image at Explorer & Shell > Explorer > Control Panel > ControlPanel > LargeCommandArea using the themeable dtb() function.
Go to:
<stylesheets> <style resid="NavPanelStyle"> <Element background="ARGB(0,0,0,0)"/> <if id="atom(NavPanel)"> <Element background="themeable(graphic(633,4,0,0,0,0,0,library(shell32.dll)),window)" accessible="true" accName="CPNavPanel" accrole="pane"/> </if> <if id="atom(NavPanelWatermark)"> <Element content="themeable(graphic(632,2,255,200rp,542rp,0,0,library(shell32.dll)),'')" width="200rp"/>
And replace with:
<stylesheets> <style resid="NavPanelStyle"> <Element background="ARGB(0,0,0,0)"/> <if id="atom(NavPanel)"> <Element background="themeable(dtb(CONTROLPANEL, 12, 0))" accessible="true" accName="CPNavPanel" accrole="pane"/> </if> <if id="atom(NavPanelWatermark)"> <Element content="themeable(dtb(CONTROLPANEL, 12, 0))" width="200rp"/>
Go to:
<stylesheets> <style resid="CategoryPanelStyle"> <Element background="ARGB(0,0,0,0)"/> <if class="MainContentPanel"> <Element background="themeable(dtb(ControlPanel,2,0), window)"/> </if> <if class="HomePageHeader"> <Element background="themeable(graphic(635,4,0,0,0,0,0,library(shell32.dll)),window)" contentalign="middlecenter"/> </if> <if class="HomePageWatermark"> <Element content="themeable(graphic(634,2,255,586rp,60rp,0,0,library(shell32.dll)),'')" height="60rp"/>
And replace with:
<stylesheets> <style resid="CategoryPanelStyle"> <Element background="ARGB(0,0,0,0)"/> <if class="MainContentPanel"> <Element background="themeable(dtb(ControlPanel,2,0), window)"/> </if> <if id="atom(HomePageHeader)"> <Element background="themeable(dtb(CONTROLPANEL, 12, 0))" contentalign="middlecenter"/> </if> <if id="atom(HomePageWatermark)"> <Element content="themeable(dtb(CONTROLPANEL, 12, 0))" height="60rp"/>
Are these UIFILE in the shell32.dll? Thanks Jerry
Help / Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 / Bottom of font window
on: November 03, 2013, 03:01:35 am
Where is the area highlighted in red at the bottom of font window? I tried Explorer & Shell > Explorer > Control Panel > ControlPanel > LargeCommandArea Explorer & Shell > Explorer > Control Panel > ControlPanel > SmallCommandArea Thanks Jerry
Help / Windows 7 / Re: Explorer Frames
on: May 19, 2013, 09:16:40 pm
Where can i find Open files window navigation buttons ? If those are at explorerframe.dll, what files they are ? explorerframe.dll Bitmap #s 280 - frame 288 - go, stop, refresh 577 - default 578 - hover 579 - disable 581 - pressed 34560 - go for search
Help / Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 / Desktop hoovers
on: March 01, 2013, 03:54:30 pm
I have tried editing the images at Explorer & Shell > Explorer > Items View > ListView > ListItem
Explorer & Shell > Explorer > ListView > ListItem
Explorer & Shell > Explorer > TreeView > TreeItem
Hot, Selected, HotSelected
And don't see any change where are they?
Thanks Jerry
Help / Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 / Re: Can this be changed
on: February 08, 2013, 07:11:22 pm
Thank you 3am I added them properties and an image and it is perfect. Oh ok, for the green frame you can only use BTNFACE:COLOR (RGB 0,0,0) and BTNTEXT:COLOR (RGB 255,255,255), it will be black like the ribbon. To apply another color only to the ribbon or that frame you need to mod system files like uiribbon, as Panda said in the previous post Thank you ezio4 that worked perfect. Until somebody can show us how to edit the uiribbon.dll I will be using just black.
Help / Windows 7 / Re: What is "ToolWindow" ?
on: December 27, 2012, 07:47:51 pm
If you are talking about Windows and Caption Buttons > Aero > Dwm Window > Frames > ToolWindow Bottom,left,right,top then that is for some programs frame like Gimp.
Other / Other / Update window line
on: November 12, 2012, 10:24:07 pm
Sorry if I ask this already The line around the update is this in the wucltux.dll if so where. Thanks Jerry
Help / Windows Vista / 1.5 on vista msstyles?
on: October 26, 2012, 05:41:35 pm
Can 1.5 be used to edit a vista msstyles? I know It can be imported but can it be saved and used on vista?
Thanks Jerry