Did you try using this tutorial?
This almost always works when porting a 7 msstyle to 8.
The above solution is only for when you have done the rest and the JumpList is still not right. I only had to do it once.
Hmmm... I see this tutorial before, but I can perform it because there is no available "Start Menu" after import the style from windows 7 to 8. Maybe I miss something?http://vistastylebuilder.com/forum/index.php?topic=1992.0
This almost always works when porting a 7 msstyle to 8.
The above solution is only for when you have done the rest and the JumpList is still not right. I only had to do it once.
I want to ask is there any easy way after import a style from 7 to 8 to make the start menu of the original style usable with Startisback+?