Vista Style Builder

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1  Tips and Visual Styles / Visual Styles / Re: Where are the decent styles on: September 06, 2009, 10:45:30 pm
"Yes you can change all the "shitty background title shadow settings"."

like the blurriness? offset? and not just color...?

what about providing tweaks like adding title text to the explorer window...

and things like removing the shitty breadcrumb bar and just bring back the better addressbar? unless you can provide actual breadcrumb tweaks like padding distance customizations

obviously I'm not expecting a qttabbar replacement for shitty win7 explorer etc.. although its much needed.. but a lot of ave apps tweaks like being able to sort at the defaulty crap command bar shortcuts would be helpful. As I certainly wouldn't ever bother making a better visual style if I'd still have to put up with the noob shit MS thought was good.. even if it did have a better looking skin ontop of it than the crap Aero style...

"That image is a reference image. People usually make these to show what something is and then reference its location in the tree."

no I was getting at the actual all black style itself

"Sounds like something a troll would say."

maybe, but I'd rather be a troll than a noob... and I could back it up if I wanted.

2  Tips and Visual Styles / Visual Styles / Re: Where are the decent styles on: September 06, 2009, 06:56:49 pm
"The point was that he ought to "try harder" to do something himself before insulting what other people do. "

actually I don't need to try harder.. I already do a better job on my own gui skins including vstyles and applications.

"Until you make a "better" theme you can't bitch about other's themes."

I have done better.. I'm just not going to show you, think whatever you want.

"What have you done with VSB or anything else? "

StyleBuilder .. free trial, only bought it after seeing it was fairly decent (years ago)..  will I waste time buying something new that just by screenshots looks weaker..  no


"Awesome." eh? pfff I think your standards here for theme improvements are pretty low. Anyway had enough seeing this vis7a garbage. Its got a shitty default theme, layout and features like the shitty search.. but in the time this utility has been out in what beta? where are the improvements?  does this tool provide a quicker way of adjusting the shitty background title shadow settings?..
3  Tips and Visual Styles / Visual Styles / Where are the decent styles on: September 02, 2009, 12:43:51 am
? seriously this app has to yet to show anything decent come out of it... I wouldn't have thought it would be hard for anyone to come out with something better than the crap vista 7 aero style.. as a gui artist the last thing I would want to use it vista/win7 for the fact its got absolutely shit themes and would much rather make a better one, even though no one can get around the shitty explorer ui layout... aves own explorer apps don't work for that broken explorer junk.. the command bar should be made more customizable ..where is the ave app for that? tbh I should be blaming the microtards for being so useless...

 but I have to yet to see anything that isn't awful or just as bad as aero come out of this app.. so either its the people buying it aren't very good... just amateurs.. or the program itself just isn't very good either so far from what i've read it seems to have more buggy issues.

 until i see ave styler actually start to show some potential at being worthy of buying I certainly won't be bothering with it.
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