Vista Style Builder

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1  Help / Windows 10 / Re: Device storage on: December 04, 2017, 02:01:19 pm
I found where it is.

ExplorerFrame.dll > 40960 > Line 122 to 126 :
		<UIBase layoutpos="left" customlayout="featureenabledlayout(Feature_CloudFileStateIcon,1)">
<UIBase layoutpos="left" customlayout="firstvisibleelementonlylayout()" contentalign="middleleft" minsize="size(0rp,0rp)" visibleminsize="size(34rp,52rp)">
<UIProperty id="atom(StateIcons)" layoutpos="right" propertycanonicalname="System.StorageProviderUIStatus" contentalign="middleleft" minsize="size(34rp,0rp)" padding="rect(0,0,2rp,0)" iconsize="12rp" icondisplaylimit="2"/>

Obviously, it's "size(34rp,52rp)". But, when change anything in 40960 or other in ExplorerFrame.dll, the TilesView don't work anymore, blank page, no icons. All others icons View work, but no TilesView.
Thanks MS.
2  Help / Windows 10 / Re: Device storage on: October 22, 2017, 01:20:17 pm

I have no idea how to delete this space, but I can give an information : this is the "online status" for OneDrive etc.

Maybe in ExplorerFrame.dll DUIxml files.

[Btw, j'avais pas vu que le screen était en français, mon anglais étant moisi : c'est l'emplacement pour le statut OneDrive etc, savoir si c'est OK online ou en cours d'UP/DL, le truc inutile qu'ils auraient pu mettre en option...]
3  Help / Windows 7 / [Resolved] Force a .theme file to applied in Basic on: August 23, 2017, 10:32:26 am

Anyone know how to force a .theme file to applied in "Basic" (! = Aero) mode ? Or it's in the .msstyles ?

Edit :
Adding in [VisualStyle] Composition=0. Ok.
4  Help / Windows 10 / Re: Problem with 14971 on: May 03, 2017, 02:51:13 am
Yes, until Panda release a new version (?)
5  Help / Windows 10 / Re: Address Bar Arrows on: April 16, 2017, 05:11:31 pm
I love it x]
6  Help / Windows 10 / Re: Problem with 14971 on: January 02, 2017, 12:58:58 am
Ow Panda ^^
Thx =]
Btw, Happy Easter 8D
7  Help / Windows 10 / Re: Problem with 14971 on: December 15, 2016, 07:15:14 pm
I think we have to wait...

For now, you can edit an .msstyles in 14393 and use it in RS2 builds, but I don't know until when. .msstyles from 14393 works in 14971 and 14986, I tested it.
8  Help / Windows 10 / Re: Problem with 14971 on: December 12, 2016, 01:17:02 pm
Quote from: Off topic
EDIT: (Btw, on a completely unrelated note, I apologize for inadvertently being your direct-ish competition .-. )

Haha =]
You = Retrophase "fanart". Make themes that "looks" from near and far to Longhorn designs etc.
Me = Retrophase. Make themes that looks exactly very close to Longhorn designs etc.

I see it like that =p

Edit : PrivateMessage.
9  Help / Windows 10 / Re: Problem with 14971 on: December 11, 2016, 07:34:27 pm
@3am WSB havn't any installer o_O

@Splitwirez (uh yes... why ? ._.)

10  Help / Windows 10 / Re: Problem with 14971 on: December 11, 2016, 05:31:46 pm
WSB is in a zip o_O wtf O_o
11  Help / Windows 10 / Re: Problem with 14971 on: December 09, 2016, 09:49:14 am
Exactly same in 14986.

14393 msstyles, original aero and others, works.
But, WSB not.

So, WSB need an Update !
12  Help / Windows 10 / Re: Problem with 14971 on: December 08, 2016, 08:12:43 am
Same problem. Same things with my visualStyle from 14393, uuuh...

Here, you can see aero.msstyles date = july 2016 = 14393, open in WSB, try to save to aerotest.msstyles = 3KB ( = july 20, 2013, wtf).

Edit : 14986 has been released today. Maybe no more problem with it...
13  Help / Windows 10 / Re: Problem with 14971 on: December 07, 2016, 06:19:59 pm
Save = Test = Error message

Visual Styles dev with 14393 works in 14971. The problem is only WSB.

Here, I try to save original aero.msstyles just opened with WSB, save to aer o.msstyles.
It says error, and save a 3KB file #unusable

If I try to apply this file, go BlackScreen.
14  Help / Windows 10 / Re: Problem with 14971 on: December 06, 2016, 07:17:05 pm
Hm. What is the "Unsigned Themes Service" ? UXstyle service ?

UXtheme in 14971 can't be patched with UXstyle. I found another patch on ._.
15  Help / Windows 10 / Problem with 14971 on: December 06, 2016, 04:16:42 pm

WSB can't test/save any msstyles in 14971 (same with 14959).
Just starting a new style (so, using the original aero.msstyles file), click Test without any modifications (uxtheme patch ok, test with my old styles dev with 14393, they works) =

Any idea ? ._.
16  Help / Windows 10 / Re: Windows 10 RS1 - Aero Color Intensity on: August 05, 2016, 10:25:08 pm
Donation = no watermark on desktop
17  Help / Windows 10 / Re: Windows 10 RS1 - Aero Color Intensity on: August 05, 2016, 09:53:43 pm
my question is how you get aero glass in build 14393 or is just joke...

The last version of AeroGlass8.1+, for 10586, works with 14393. Just an error message after installation and at Windows startup.
<- Version ->
18  Help / Windows 10 / Re: Windows 10 RS1 - Aero Color Intensity on: August 05, 2016, 09:05:33 pm
I apologize for this post not really being related to the subject, but...PlumyRabbit, how exactly were you able to restore the Windows Vista - 8 caption button sizes on Windows 10? Are those built into the titlebar background, this some kind of weirdness akin to this thread?

It's cheating =p

(Infos :
minimize = 38x25, + 1px left right up bottom, because it's STREAM part, x 4 = 40x108
maximize = 37x25, + 1px left right up bottom, because it's STREAM part, x 4 = 39x108
close = 40x25, + 1px left right up bottom, because it's STREAM part, x 4 = 42x108

No idea if exists another way to resize it.
19  Help / Windows 10 / Re: Windows 10 RS1 - Aero Color Intensity on: August 05, 2016, 08:56:58 pm
Thanks you ^^

I just have to re set the opacity to 0 in the AeroGlassGUI for each change of style and each reboot...
20  Help / Windows 10 / Windows 10 RS1 - Aero Color Intensity on: August 04, 2016, 04:56:07 am

Here :

The color intensity can be changed by the slider, but not really.
No matter where I move it, if I close the window and reopen it, the slider is back to about 85%.
Can't have a color intensity to 0%.
Even trying to force with .theme defining color to 0x00000000, still about 85%.

Someone have an idea ? Forcing by regedit ?

Btw, wtf with "glow" in titlebar, it's my aero frame top ultra mini o_O
21  Help / Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 / Re: Add back (no blur) glass to 8 without side effects on: January 19, 2013, 08:11:41 pm
.....But always buggy like "Aero8Tuner". When I move a window, I have the bug in DWM frames. Huh?
22  Main / Announcements / Re: Resource Spy on: March 02, 2012, 03:34:41 am
Boarf, it doesn't works on Windows 8 Beta o_o

23  Help / Windows 7 / Re: Style Builder not saving on: May 13, 2010, 10:03:52 pm
I have this bug too. I have to restart VSB between saves.
I tried to reinstall VSB, use UXStyle or Universal Theme Patcher, nothing works, it always not saved after a first Save or a Test.
24  Main / Requested Feedback / Re: Desktop Resolution on: April 11, 2010, 07:05:01 am
25  Help / Windows Vista / Re: Headers Text Color on: July 18, 2009, 01:21:04 pm
Ok, thanks you ^^
26  Help / Windows Vista / Headers Text Color on: July 17, 2009, 10:41:58 pm

I looking how to change the text color of the Headers.
I tried to add a TEXTCOLOR:COLOR everywhere in the section Toolbars, Headers and Rebar > Toolbars & Headers > Header, but the text is allways black.

I think it is in the ShellStyle, but I also looked all Headers found inside, nothing.

An idea ?

Thanks in advance. ^^
27  Help / Windows Vista / Re: Resizing Right Panel of StartMenu on: January 04, 2009, 06:17:49 am
Anyone can create a Stylehack for 216px please ? ( this tip doesn"t work with me. ~~' )
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