Vista Style Builder

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1  Help / Windows 10 / Re: Change font size in CommandModule and PreviewPane on: November 25, 2021, 01:10:03 am
It works perfectly.

Thank you very much.
2  Help / Windows 10 / Change font size in CommandModule and PreviewPane on: November 24, 2021, 06:36:26 pm

How can I change the font size in CommandModule and PreviewPane?



Changing the TEXTCOLOR works as expected in "Explorer & Shell > Explorer > CommandModule > Button > Normal" and "Explorer & Shell > Explorer > PreviewPane > File Name".
Adding a FONT property does not have any effect.

Thank you.
3  Help / Windows 10 / Re: EditText: Disabled TextColor on: August 02, 2021, 11:53:23 pm
I couldn't find it.
The only entry which does change it is GRAYTEXTCOLOR in SystemMetrics.
But that affects other elements as well, and I'd also like to use SHADOW.

Thanks again.
4  Help / Windows 10 / Re: EditText: Disabled TextColor on: August 02, 2021, 04:36:42 pm
Notepad++ -> Settings -> Preferences -> Backup.

Thank you.
5  Help / Windows 10 / EditText: Disabled TextColor on: August 02, 2021, 01:30:32 pm

Changing TEXTCOLOR in "Buttons, Boxes, & Controls > Boxes > Edit > Basic > EditText > Disabled" does not seem to have any effect.

I'd appreciate your help.
6  Help / Windows 10 / Re: "Custom" theme after returning from Hibernation on: July 12, 2021, 06:13:47 pm
That has fixed it. You're the best! Smiley


Interestingly, Firefox seems to use the color of "Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Context Menu > BarItem > Disabled" for the context-menu.
(Instead of "Lists, Menus, & Tabs > Context Menu > PopUpItem > Disabled").
7  Help / Windows 10 / "Custom" theme after returning from Hibernation on: July 12, 2021, 02:39:26 pm

Apply "Test Theme".
Hibernate (NOT Sleep).
Turn your machine ON.

Windows Settings -> Themes: the active theme is "Custom" instead of "Test Theme".

This causes some issues in various programs.
For example: in Firefox 89 (Proton enabled), the color of menuitem[disabled] is black and I need to draw it manually in userChrome.css.

Any idea how to fix it?

Thank you.
8  Help / Windows 10 / Re: Apply AccentColor to all titles and frames on: July 03, 2021, 06:09:52 pm
But I've learned the hex format in the theme file should be ARGB, and the format in the Registry is ABGR. :)

Thanks again. I appreciate it.
9  Help / Windows 10 / Re: Apply AccentColor to all titles and frames on: July 03, 2021, 02:26:54 pm
You could try just adjusting the COLORIZATIONOPACITY values in the Inactive windows

I've tried various values, but the color remains blue.


It seems to work only with the default theme.

Any other idea?

Thanks again.
10  Help / Windows 10 / Re: Apply AccentColor to all titles and frames on: July 03, 2021, 01:47:54 pm
Great! Thank you very much.

I may not have been clear enough.
I do not want inactive windows to have the same title color. How do I change that?


So the ff7f3b21 value I got in the Registry is ABGR?

11  Help / Windows 10 / Re: Apply AccentColor to all titles and frames on: July 03, 2021, 11:46:46 am
Thanks again for your help. I appreciate it.

Can you please let me know what I'm missing?

The color I want is RGB(33, 59, 127).

In the theme file I have:

(I get the correct "AccentColor"=dword:ff7f3b21 in the Registry).

Converting 0X213B7F, I get 2177919. - Following your steps and using 2177919, I get a wrong title color.

12  Help / Windows 10 / Apply AccentColor to all titles and frames on: July 02, 2021, 08:07:20 pm

Is it possible to apply the AccentColor (ColorizationColor in the THEME file) to all titles and frames without explicitly modifying the frames?

Thank you. 
13  Help / Windows 10 / Re: Menu Alignment on: June 17, 2021, 10:32:14 pm
Thank you.
14  Help / Windows 10 / Menu Alignment on: June 17, 2021, 10:09:09 am

In Win 10 RTL (unlike Win 7), applications menus are aligned to the left.

"Tablet PC Settings" seem to affect only the context-menu.
( Run -> shell:::{80F3F1D5-FECA-45F3-BC32-752C152E456E} ).

Can I fix it with WSB?

Thank you.
15  Help / Windows 10 / Re: Center Title Bar Text on: June 11, 2021, 09:18:10 pm
It's not worth installing another tool.

Thanks again. Much appreciated.
16  Help / Windows 10 / Re: Center Title Bar Text on: June 11, 2021, 06:18:04 pm
The only program whose title changed was WSB with Ribbon ON.

File explorer and MS-Paint remained aligned to the *right*.
My system is RTL. Is it possible that CONTENTALIGNMENT:ENUM = CENTER should only work on programs whose layout is LTR?

Also, is it possible to center titles system-wide (not only Ribbon windows)?

Thank you. I appreciate your help.

17  Help / Windows 10 / Center Title Bar Text on: June 11, 2021, 11:14:29 am

Is it possible to center Title Bar Text on Windows 10?

Thank you.
18  Help / Windows 10 / Re: IMAGE SIZEMARGINS on: June 04, 2021, 10:34:12 am
Thank you for the explanation. I appreciate it.
19  Help / Windows 10 / Re: Change IE 11 Font on: June 04, 2021, 10:34:06 am
Thank you.
20  Help / Windows 10 / Re: "Folder Up" button in File explorer on: June 04, 2021, 10:34:00 am
1) I don't understand. The arrow icon has 24 formats from 16x16 pixels to 80x80 including 32x32

I do know that.
But replacing the icons, Windows would still use the 16x16 image.

Thank you.
21  Help / Windows 10 / Change IE 11 Font on: June 03, 2021, 07:52:55 pm

I have an Email Client which uses Internet Explorer for displaying HTML.
Is it possible to change the font to NON-ClearType?

Thank you.
22  Help / Windows 10 / IMAGE SIZEMARGINS on: June 03, 2021, 07:52:16 pm


I suppose that Windows calculate the image's height, divide it by IMAGECOUNT and takes into account SIZEMARGINS as well.

If we take the image in "Toolbars, Headers, & Rebar > Toolbars & Headers > Header > HeaderItem" as an example -

I changed "14" (in SIZEMARGINS) to "6" and apparently there was no difference.
When I changed "14" to "24", there WAS a difference.

I also tried a different height (300 instead of 288, each image 25px instead of 24px), did NOT change SIZEMARGINS and got a good result.

Thank you. 
23  Help / Windows 10 / Re: "Folder Up" button in File explorer on: June 03, 2021, 07:51:22 pm
Thank you for your continuous help. I appreciate it.

With your permission, a few questions:
1. Is it possible to set the size Windows uses? - I'd like to have a 32x32 button.
2. Would I be able to change the hot/pressed states?
3. That file is used by File Explorer. How can I replace it?
24  Help / Windows 10 / "Folder Up" button in File explorer on: June 03, 2021, 10:56:55 am

Where is the location of the "Folder Up" button in File explorer's NavBar?

Thank you.
25  Help / Windows 10 / Re: Change Scroll Bar *Only* in File Explorer on: May 30, 2021, 12:28:42 am
Thank you.
26  Help / Windows 10 / Change Scroll Bar *Only* in File Explorer on: May 29, 2021, 10:40:33 pm

Is it possible to change the Scroll Bar in File Explorer only?
That is: apply a custom Scroll Bar in File Explorer, and keep the native Scroll Bar elsewhere.

Thank you.
27  Help / Windows 10 / Re: Font Change Failure on: May 29, 2021, 01:33:41 pm
I've figured it out.

Copying the default Aero folder, a VSCache folder is copied as well.
On first modifying and applying the theme, the original hidden MSS files are replaced with a new file corresponding to the new msstyles file.
On modifying the theme again and saving it to the same folder, the MSS file is NOT updated. This causes a conflict which results in a black screen.

Solution: Delete the VSCache folder. When your theme is complete (i.e. all modifications are done), copy the Aero folder again (including VSCache), replace the msstyles file and after applying theme - the MSS and msstyles files should match.

Thank you.
28  Help / Windows 10 / Re: Font Change Failure on: May 25, 2021, 07:17:32 pm
I've made some progress. :)

I edited the MUI file in Restorator, opened the theme in WSB, modified it and saved.
Now - applying the theme via Windows Settings, I get the fonts and the (very initial) look I want.

The problem is I can not modify the theme again in WSB.
It's either all changes at the first session or using msstyleEditor. I suppose the latter does not change the fonts and thus the theme doesn't get corrupt.
A beginner's theory. :)

You've been very helpful and kind. Much appreciated.


Tomorrow I won't be by my PC, but I'll update later if there are any news.
29  Help / Windows 10 / Re: Font Change Failure on: May 25, 2021, 01:26:50 pm
Yes to both.

I actually get a black screen without editing the file in Restorator.

Coping the Aero theme, modifying it in WSB, saving and applying the theme (either via WSB or Windows Settings)  - all is well.
Opening the theme again in WSB, applying any change and saving - the theme gets corrupt and I get a black screen.

It might have to do with some REG files I'm using. But reverting those REG changes (and signing out/in) does not solve the problem.
I'm attaching the theme, the images I've replaced and the REG files.


Exact steps:
I've changed the fonts in "Fonts, Colors, & System Metrics".
I've changed the font in "Taskbar & System Tray > TaskBand > Basic > TaskBand".
I've changed the images according to your instructions in
I've changed the image in "Explorer & Shell > Explorer > CommandModule > BackgroundShineLayer".
I've changed the image in msstyleEditor Menu > BARBACKGROUND (couldn't find it in WSB :) ).
(The problem exists after reopening the theme in WSB regardless of the last change in msstyleEditor).

Thank you very much.

30  Help / Windows 10 / Re: Change Address Bar Background Color on: May 25, 2021, 01:15:40 pm
That has worked perfectly.
My problem was that changing those entries in the Classic theme was not enough. - The same images are added in other places as well.

At last SOLVED. :)
Thank you so much!

31  Main / Future Concepts and Ideas / Full File Path in the Title Bar on: May 24, 2021, 10:13:15 pm

Opening two instances of WSB containing the same msstyles file name in two different folders, can be highly confusing.
Could you add the full path to the title bar?

Thank you.
32  Help / Windows 10 / Re: [Solved] Change Address Bar Background Color on: May 24, 2021, 09:54:02 pm
"MaxNavbarComposited::Rebar > Background" and "MaxInactiveNavbarComposited::Rebar > Background"
change Explorer's NavBar (to which I referred as the Address Bar) background color.

Those entries do not change the NavBar background color of the Open/Save dialog.
It's not that important at the moment.

Thank you. Highly appreciated.
33  Help / Windows 10 / Re: Font Change Failure on: May 24, 2021, 09:53:10 pm
I've spent quite a few hours on this.
A lot of black screens. :)

Here are the exact steps:
1. Opened the theme in WSB.
2. Changed either some images or the fonts under "Fonts, Colors, & System Metrics".
3. Saved the the theme and exited WSB.
4. Opened the msstyles file in Restorator 2018 and replaced every instance of "Segoe UI" with "Tahoma" NonAntialiased, saved and exited.
5. Reopned the theme in WSB.

Here is the interesting result:
Testing the theme in WSB, it seems to be working properly: all the fonts are "Tahoma" NonAntialiased.
If I stop testing, modify anything and save - WSB asks if I'd like to use the theme. Selecting "Yes", I get an error: "The theme can not be applied".
Applying the the theme via Windows Settings, I get a black screen.

Thank you. I appreciate your help.
34  Help / Windows 10 / Re: Change Address Bar Background Color on: May 23, 2021, 09:53:44 pm
I followed the instructions in (I do hope I did not make any mistakes), tested it in WSB and the result was weird images all over.

I did NOT save the changes and exited WSB. I then tried to apply that theme from Windows Settings and got a black screen. :)
Well, it's quite late in my place. I'll try it again tomorrow.

Thank you. I'm truly grateful.
35  Help / Windows 10 / Re: Font Change Failure on: May 23, 2021, 09:53:36 pm
A beginner's mistake: I renamed "aero.msstyles" "Test.msstyles" but forgot to rename the MUI file as well.
I'm getting the correct/expected fonts now.

I suppose there's no way to replace all instances of "Segoe UI" with "Tahoma", is there?

Thank you very much. I appreciate your patience.
36  Help / Windows 10 / Re: Change Address Bar Background Color on: May 23, 2021, 10:54:11 am
The themes I've been testing are constantly changing my fonts.
So I'm trying from scratch by coping the Aero folder and setting my fonts.
Could you please help me with

- I'll return to the images once I've figured the fonts issue.

Thank you very much.
37  Help / Windows 10 / Re: Font Change Failure on: May 23, 2021, 10:50:50 am
Hello again 3am,

Trying to copy the aero ("C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\aero") folder, I get the following Permission messages:

Coping only the allowed content and opening the msstyles file in WSB, the fonts are gibberish and I can't test it.

What's the correct procedure? Should I look for any Font field and change it manually?

Thanks again.

38  Help / Windows 10 / Re: Change Address Bar Background Color on: May 22, 2021, 10:17:50 pm
I've just added an image to ""MaxNavbarComposited::Rebar > Background"". It worked only when Inactive.
I suppose I'd also have to play with "Toolbars, Headers, & Rebar > Rebar > NavBar > Aero > Normal" as you've suggested.
I'll do it tomorrow.

Thank you. I do appreciate it.
39  Help / Windows 10 / Re: Change Address Bar Background Color on: May 22, 2021, 04:30:52 pm
There are images in "Toolbars, Headers, & Rebar > Rebar > NavBar > Aero > Normal".
Changing them did not have any effect.

But, thanks to you, I've finally found it.
It's in "MaxNavbarComposited::Rebar > Background".

The Aero msstyle does not have an image there.
How do I add one? Should I add it there or you'd recommend "a better place"?

Thanks again. Much appreciated.

40  Help / Windows 10 / Tool Window: Title Bar is Too High on: May 22, 2021, 01:41:52 pm
I've been testing some themes, and I've now returned to Windows default theme.

Notepad++ Search dialog's title (a tool window) has become higher and its Close button is not vertically centered.

Any idea how to fix it?
Removing the "WS_THICKFRAME", I get a normal height title. What should I look for in the Registry?

Thank you.

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