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Help / Windows 7 / Re: Vertical Taskbar Width
on: November 23, 2012, 07:35:02 pm
That thread doesn't take care of my problem (and I did go through it and searched for it as well). I'm aware that I can change the height of the horizontal taskbar, I was talking about this:
Help / Windows 7 / Re: Strange Problem
on: October 06, 2011, 05:23:11 pm
Have you looked in "%WinDir%"\Resources\Themes\*Theme Name*\Shell\NormalColor\shellstyle.dll" > UIFILE > 1.txt?
Main / Announcements / Re: Default look change.
on: May 22, 2010, 07:16:35 pm
The theme looks great and its very consistent, but if I may make a suggestion, set the cell padding to something like 3px. It feels cramped when text is right against a border.
Main / Notices / Re: Windows Style Builder 1.6 XML Changes
on: March 28, 2010, 04:13:43 pm
Do you think it would be ok if you uploaded the xml file(s) so that we can swap out the vsb xml's ourselves? I figure it would probably work all right seeing as how most of us here are familiar with backing up files and replacing them (and how to restore it if something messes up).
Other / Other / Re: A question about IE.
on: December 27, 2009, 07:47:49 pm
You could always set the caption font to be a font called "blank" which is just transparent text.
Help / Windows 7 / Re: Win7 Taskbar Size
on: December 04, 2009, 02:05:33 am
Taskbar & System Tray > TaskBand > Basic > TaskBand (SmallIcons) > TaskItemButton >:[CONTENTMARGINS:MARGINS]:10, 10, 7, 7 Change it to '10, 10, 4, 4' to get a 24px taskbar
Help / Windows 7 / Taskbar Grouped Tasks
on: December 04, 2009, 02:01:51 am
Is there any way to forcefully ungroup taskbar items (when the text is displayed)? So that it doesn't use the "Taskbar & System Tray > TaskBand > Basic > TaskBand > UncombinedTaskItem(Left/Right/Center)" image?
Windows Style Builder / Bug Reports / Re: 2 Bugs I have found
on: November 23, 2009, 02:54:25 am
I've noticed the same two bugs. As for the second one, It does not allow me to save, export, import, or anything that is activated via the buttons after I test a theme with updated images, etc.
Main / Announcements / Re: Need your help.
on: October 27, 2009, 08:04:48 pm
What I have noticed is every style that was made in VSB can't be ported correctly. Cause all the visual styles I have made in VSB I can't port!
That would mean that you aren't making you're themes correctly, because I can port all of my vsb made themes to 7 without error.
Main / Announcements / Re: VSB 1.5 Released
on: October 19, 2009, 08:15:05 pm
Sadly, I've lost my download link. But, I e-mailed Ave for another. Hopefully, I'll be able to make use of this amazing update.
Main / Announcements / Re: Upcoming VSB 1.5
on: October 17, 2009, 10:07:58 pm
I must say, VSB/W7SB would be incomplete without the start button application. Also, selling the start button application would be considered cheap. No offense, really.
Help / Windows Vista / Re: Startmenu
on: August 06, 2009, 11:41:41 pm
I'm pretty sure it just runs off of the 'Fonts, Colors & System Metrics > Fonts & System Metrics' colors.
Tips and Visual Styles / Tips and Tricks / [TIP] Application Toolbar Border Colors
on: July 02, 2009, 09:42:59 pm
The color values for application toolbar borders are in: Fonts, Colors & System Metrics > Colors (Globals) > EDGELIGHTCOLOR:COLOR Fonts, Colors & System Metrics > Colors (Globals) > EDGEHIGHLIGHTCOLOR:COLOR Fonts, Colors & System Metrics > Colors (Globals) > EDGESHADOWCOLOR:COLOR Fonts, Colors & System Metrics > Colors (Globals) > EDGEDKSHADOWCOLOR:COLOR Fonts, Colors & System Metrics > Colors (Globals) > EDGEFILLCOLOR:COLOR
Help / Windows Vista / Re: [firefox] How to remove toolbar borders through VS
on: July 02, 2009, 09:37:50 pm
Thanks, that worked well. It turns out that the border colors are in: Fonts, Colors & System Metrics > Colors (Globals) > EDGELIGHTCOLOR:COLOR Fonts, Colors & System Metrics > Colors (Globals) > EDGEHIGHLIGHTCOLOR:COLOR Fonts, Colors & System Metrics > Colors (Globals) > EDGESHADOWCOLOR:COLOR Fonts, Colors & System Metrics > Colors (Globals) > EDGEDKSHADOWCOLOR:COLOR Fonts, Colors & System Metrics > Colors (Globals) > EDGEFILLCOLOR:COLOR
Help / Windows Vista / Re: [HELP] Start Menu Icons Larger
on: July 01, 2009, 02:40:14 pm
Yes, you can change the size of the icons to just about any size, but it involves registry keys, so it isn't suggested that you change them. I do have an idea of where they are, but I'm not completely sure.
Main / Announcements / Re: AveStyler
on: March 26, 2009, 12:15:20 pm
That's pretty cool, but does XP and 7 support Vista themes through this process?
Main / Announcements / Re: Version 1.4 now available
on: March 26, 2009, 12:13:19 pm
I'd say this one is quite an improvement on things. Although I would still like to see some more improvements on the XP > Vista porting. I could help you in the areas that need to be fixed.