No I did not. I haven't really dove into the issue but mine occured after I saved the current style. So, once I installed the program and ran it against an installed theme, I then saved those changes. I saved them against the current active theme though. Once I did that, I noticed the issue every time I would try to "save" or "test" in WSB.
I replaced all .DLLs, in x86 as well as 64 bit and still nothing. I went through all steps and still got the issue until... I reinstalled WSB. Now, when I reinstalled and opened WSB, I opened the current theme and then saved it but... I didn't save to the active theme. The program gives an option to switch to AERO while it saves your changes to the deisred theme. It does this quickly though. So, in short, even though you are trying to modify your existing "active" theme, you still want to take the option to switch to another installed theme while it makes the changes to the desired one. Then just quickly load the desired theme again once the changes are saved. I have had no issues since I started doing this.
I am a developer for a living and at first glance, it looks to me like the actual .DLL path is changed to point to the active theme directories for its location. So, some sort of container reference, in WSB, might be getting localized when the current theme is changed in place.
Hope this helped.