Vista Style Builder

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1  Other / Other / Re: Bored on: April 11, 2020, 02:32:58 am
2019 is boring, i want 2020 Cheesy
Well you got it ...... want 2019 back yet??  Angry
2  Other / Other / Re: Bored on: April 11, 2020, 02:31:48 am
2019 is boring, i want 2020 Cheesy

Well you got it ...... want 2019 back yet??  Angry
3  Tips and Visual Styles / Visual Styles / Re: Work Nite Shift on: January 31, 2015, 09:52:49 pm
1.) No start orbs?
2.) No start menu for StartIsBack or others?
4  Help / Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 / Re: Save As / Notepad and others on: December 28, 2014, 10:03:35 pm
Well I am definitely glad to know about the fix, even though I'm not on 8.1 atm. Maybe the issue did happen to me, I just didn't notice, because I did lock my screen and put it in sleep mode occasionally. I restart and shutdown often too, which temporarily "fixes" the I probably didn't notice.

Multi-Patcher is great because it's "one patcher to patch them all".....Works on almost everything (from XP to 10TP) by MS. Exactly like UxStyle, though, in that it patches memory only.

edee2, glad you're squared away now bud.  Smiley  No more UltraUX for you, right? Good thinking!  Wink  And as far as having to run a bunch of extra crap to patch/modify/tweak Windows 8+, it will only get WORSE in the future as MS totally locks down their post-8 o.s. platforms....The not-too-distant-future looks pretty bleak for serious customization in Windows. Soon, people will have to 'jailbreak' Windows o.s. even to do the simplest things. And that's only the beginning.

That's why Universal Theme Patcher was so great on Windows 7, patched 3 dll's and you were good to go, you knew what it was patching, these other UX patcher's I don't really trust because you really don't know what else it is doing besides patching for third party themes. And these UX patchers seem to get passed around from coder to coder because no one keeps them up to date, I mean go to the original UxStyle site and you'll still see the download "possibly bugged" still there and has not been worked on since Windows 8 came out.

When it gets to the point where you have to jailbreak your system to do anything with it or I have to use a "cloud" os that's when I'll stop upgrading and fall back to the next best os, I've got oem versions of everything from Windows 98 on up and I don't do anything that drastic online where I will have to depend on MS to provide patches and / or updates for the os. I have never been able to run the vanilla version of Windows, I've been running some sort of theme or UI modification since Windows 98, remember the Plus! pack you could download and get a bunch of different themes for Windows?, Microsoft really needs to hire some talented themers and dump the untalented UI designers they currently employ.

I'm just glad I finally found out what was up with the white areas, I was starting to drive me batsh!t crazy  Angry, probably would not have happened if I just disabled or not used the lock screen but from time to time it does have it's uses but next time I know if I have to do a clean install, thanks again Mr. Grim  Wink
5  Help / Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 / Re: Save As / Notepad and others on: December 27, 2014, 05:30:16 pm
Windows 8 loads defaults from [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes\DefaultColors] after every lock/sleep/hibernate.

Make a backup of that key, take ownership of it, and then delete that whole key (defualtcolors).

Then you wont have a problem.

Thanks Mr. Grim, that has taken care of the problem,, only wish I knew about this way back when!

As for UltraUXTheme Patcher ..... I found out the hard way about it when the first time I tried to uninstall it and got a black screen, nothing on the developers site worked, then found something that told me to make registry changes and copy original .dll's from another Windows 8 system the same as mine, I did it and it worked and the next time I just made copies of the .dll files on my system after a clean install. But I have since dumped Ultra after finding out that UXTheme is being developed by another company and is up to version 13.1 which you can read about and download here : at least it only runs in memory and makes no permanent changes, seems to do the job and will even offer to add the aero effect if you don't use AeroGlass which I do so I did not check to see if the option works.

I wish it was like the Windows 7 days were you didn't have run all this extra junk to get a theme to work.
6  Help / Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 / Save As / Notepad and others on: December 26, 2014, 08:36:01 pm
Maybe someone here can address this problem, been having it ever since Windows 8 / 8.1 has come out. Look at the screen shots below, the top pictures are before and the bottoms are after. When I boot Windows the theme colors are all fine, but if I use the lock screen or screensaver on my system when it comes out of the lock screen or screen saver I start getting these white areas in places like the Save As dialogue box, Notepad, Windows Personalization and I am sure there are other places that I cannot think of right at the moment.

WHAT is causing this and how can it be stopped from happening?
Please do not tell me the obvious like not to use the lock screen or screensaver, I am looking for the fix to correct this because this does not happen in Windows 7, only 8 or 8.1

I am running Windows 8.1 Pro x64 (the problem exists on my Windows 8.1 Core x64 machine also)
Both machines run AeroGlass, OldNewExplorer, UltraUXThemepatcher and Ribbon Disabler.  All are the most up to date versions.

7  Other / Other / Is there ever going to be a stable release again? on: December 25, 2014, 05:20:29 pm
Not for nothing but I was just wondering if there is ever going to be a stable release of WSB ever again? To be honest I am getting tired of having to download a beta that expires on me every couple of months.
I understand that that program was pretty much abandoned by one and picked up by another who is learning how to code but this is getting a little bit silly here and those that have paid for this program deserve more than having WSB sit in beta for years, I mean the newer version (1.5 and above) of WSB has been in beta pretty much since Windows 8 has come out and here we are on the verge of Windows 10 being released and it is still in beta.

When we the paying customer bought WSB we were promised free lifetime upgrades, not an eternity in beta in which our software expires every couple of months and stops working.

While I do understand the challenges of coding and the difficulty of keeping up with Microsoft updates and OS 's but your only one person and without being arrogant or mean about it but if you cannot keep up with it don't you think you should get help or maybe pass it off to someone who can and will deliver a stable product?
I mean, the upgrade features that would have brought WSB from Windows 7 to 8 or 8.1 although a lot have been addressed, there are still bugs, the import / export Windows 7 themes although planned has not even been implemented and Windows 10 is set to be released in the near future.
The bottom line question here is ..... are we ever going to get a fully functional Windows Style Builder for Windows 8 / 8.1 that works without problems and is able to import themes from 7 ever? ......  Those of us who have paid for this software deserve it. Because I am absolutely sure Windows 10 is going to present a whole new set of problems for WSB.
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