Porting windows 7 theme to windows 10 build 10586


How do I port a theme from windows 7 to windows 10?

Can someone give me a tutorial for how to do it?

Will porting it prevent some of the items from skinning like the taskbar and right click menus?

The right click menus on my taskbar and start menu are currently black and grey while the right click menus on my desktop are light greyish white.

How do I fix that so they are styled the same? is this a Microsoft glitch?

1) Safest way is to move everything you can from the 7 msstyle to the 10 msstyle manually.
2) There is no tutorial
3) You won't be able to skin jump lists or most of the taskbar
4) Right click menus you can skin are Unknown > ImmersiveStart::Menu and ImmersiveStartDark::Menu.

Read all the posts on the Windows 10 board for more information. Ask specific questions.


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