Title: Crashes and stylehack bug. Post by: Katsuo on December 16, 2009, 10:17:11 pm The program crashes a lot, specially when I save. It's really getting annoying.
And there's a bug with the stylehacks, I made large shadows on one of my visual styles, imported them in a stylehack to apply them easily on my other themes. I applied that stylehack to my latest visual style, I clicked Import Images but it bugged and now there's no image at all: and the size viewer on the top left says 0 x 0 px. I tried putting the image manually but it makes the prog crash. Title: Re: Crashes and stylehack bug. Post by: skymartial on February 06, 2010, 10:21:38 pm I also have the "import images" bug, with all images being replaced by no images (0x0). Is there a solution?
Given the rarity of this issue, I wonder if it might be connected to the fact that I have a drive letter before C: (i.e. I have windows installed on C:, but my secondary partition is on B:), and if therefore StyleBuilder is trying to draw the images from the wrong location? |