
Help => Windows 7 => Topic started by: PiLLo on September 15, 2009, 08:13:48 pm

Title: How SizingMargins work?
Post by: PiLLo on September 15, 2009, 08:13:48 pm
Hi guys, I 'd like an explanations on how sizingmargins work, because I need them but I really not understand! :| And, addictionally, do you know where are located all the selection boxes?

Title: Re: How SizingMargins work?
Post by: K-Johnson on September 16, 2009, 02:53:42 am
Hi, I just made a guide for you:


I hope that helps.

As for selection boxes, just type "image" and search under Property.
The first group of results at the top will deal with the all the forms and controls.  Unless you mean something else?

Title: Re: How SizingMargins work?
Post by: PiLLo on September 16, 2009, 12:04:36 pm
Hi, I just made a guide for you:


I hope that helps.

As for selection boxes, just type "image" and search under Property.
The first group of results at the top will deal with the all the forms and controls.  Unless you mean something else?
Wow, thanks mate, it sure helps me a lot ;)