
Help => Windows Vista => Topic started by: josephpatrick on July 21, 2009, 08:54:12 pm

Title: Problems applying some Vista themes
Post by: josephpatrick on July 21, 2009, 08:54:12 pm

This is an example of a vista style that doesn't work, if i open it up in vista style builder it doesn't look right since the fonts section is completely messed up.

I have tried using uxtheme patcher, uxstyle, vistaglass, vista style master to patch the system but I get error 'the visual style could not be applied' when applying the theme  Is there something I can do using VSB to fix this?

Title: Re: Problems applying some Vista themes
Post by: Panda X on July 21, 2009, 11:04:41 pm

This is an example of a vista style that doesn't work, if i open it up in vista style builder it doesn't look right since the fonts section is completely messed up.

I have tried using uxtheme patcher, uxstyle, vistaglass, vista style master to patch the system but I get error 'the visual style could not be applied' when applying the theme  Is there something I can do using VSB to fix this?
When the fonts are messed up it's not loaded the MUI. Does the theme come with a en-US or some other locale folder with a MUI in it?

Title: Re: Problems applying some Vista themes
Post by: josephpatrick on July 22, 2009, 12:17:40 am
Panda, it looks like your response fixed the issue  ;)

The problem was actually with the MUI file and it was not having the same name as the style. Prior to your response, I had used VSB to change all those fonts manually without luck. I was able to apply the theme finally but it was broken completely.

I extracted a fresh copy and renamed the MUI file and that did the trick, never knew the MUI file was this important.

Thank you for leading me in the right direction.