Title: Small Taskbar Is Too Big Post by: S123456789 on March 31, 2021, 07:24:21 pm I'm using a XP Zune theme on Windows 7 that I found online many years ago, however the taskbar is slightly too big and for some reason, the date is showing. The taskbar should be 30px tall, but it's 32px when using this theme. I assume this is what's made the date appear.
I've attached the theme I'm using. It's the Zune Basic one. What would I edit in the theme such that the date would go away, and the taskbar would be the correct height? Also, which version of the software should I be using for Windows 7 (if someone could link me to a download, please do so)? Thanks. Title: Re: Small Taskbar Is Too Big Post by: 3am on March 31, 2021, 10:50:06 pm Tested your msstyles. Everything normal. No date with small icons. Date with large icons.