
Help => Windows 7 => Topic started by: JMB on March 16, 2015, 08:44:49 am

Title: (Self-Solved) Glow behind taskitem buttons
Post by: JMB on March 16, 2015, 08:44:49 am
Guys, where is the bluish glow that's behind taskitem buttons when you hover over them located? Even though the actual taskitem images in this theme have colors for the glows and flashes, this blue glow (and flash) happens when something is opened or hovered. The same glow follows your cursor when you hover over any area of the taskitem:


Should the buttons be opaque to fix this? But, if they're made opaque, how then to see progress animations???

Nevermind, I simply had to re-load the theme....The last theme I had loaded was Aero, so it must have kept that color until reloading the custom theme.
