
Help => Windows 7 => Topic started by: Tom Blow on June 04, 2011, 11:13:55 pm

Title: Right angled corners?
Post by: Tom Blow on June 04, 2011, 11:13:55 pm
Please could someone explain how you get right angle corners on the start menu, dialogue boxes ect?

Thanks. Tom

Title: Re: Right angled corners?
Post by: Dave Senior on June 05, 2011, 12:22:51 am
You just have to remake the images   at those locations with corners instead of curves, easy as that.Your new images don't have to be the  same size as the original aero ones.
  You'll probably hear this a lot :it's sometimes a good idea to open someone else's theme up in vsb to get an understanding of how they did certain things...

Title: Re: Right angled corners?
Post by: Tom Blow on June 05, 2011, 04:04:12 am
You just have to remake the images   at those locations with corners instead of curves, easy as that.Your new images don't have to be the  same size as the original aero ones.
  You'll probably hear this a lot :it's sometimes a good idea to open someone else's theme up in vsb to get an understanding of how they did certain things...

Ok thanks davesenior.