Title: Colorization Color converter. Post by: Panda X on May 12, 2010, 06:39:21 pm What this does is allow you to enter HEX code to convert for use with the ColorizationColor:Int property. It also comes with some crappy color picker so you can choose a color and it give you the ColorizationColor:Int value.
Title: Re: Colorization Color converter. Post by: mcwxxx on May 12, 2010, 06:58:19 pm Thanks for this.
Title: Re: Colorization Color converter. Post by: ChicoThorn on May 08, 2014, 01:14:02 am Just discovered this little gem you created! Thanks Panda! I've been trying to change the ColorizationColor in the .theme file to set my window frame color, this has taken all the guess work out of it! One thing I noticed though, the converter puts "FF" in front of the hex RRGGBB code it generates which causes the color to behave unpredictably. I found if I change that FF to a DA that I get the exact RGB color every single time. For example: I wanted the RGB color 40, 140, 255 which the converter told me is: 0XFF288CFF hex or -14119681. But when I use either of those values in the .theme file I wind up with the RGB color of 5, 125, 255. But when I change it to 0XDA288CFF, then I get the RGB color I'm looking for, 40, 140, 255. I experimented with about ten colors and this was true for all of them. So I just thought I'd pass that along. Very grateful for all the work you do making Style Builder the amazing program it is! Thanks again! :)
Title: Re: Colorization Color converter. Post by: Panda X on May 08, 2014, 09:42:57 pm The number is correct. For example you get the same result here: http://www.rapidtables.com/convert/number/hex-to-decimal.htm
Title: Re: Colorization Color converter. Post by: ChicoThorn on May 11, 2014, 06:45:03 pm Your converter is spot on. I stand corrected sir. Thank you. :)