
Help => Windows 7 => Topic started by: scoopeeedoo on April 28, 2010, 06:14:11 pm

Title: Still two bugs i can't fix...
Post by: scoopeeedoo on April 28, 2010, 06:14:11 pm
Hi everyone!

I've nearly finished my first vs "totally on my own" (i mean "which is not based on another"...), and i have still two bugs i can't fix... :S

First is with the menu when you right clic a taskbar button, sometimes the pane has transparency, the most of time not... Always when extended... (see image 1).
I know this must be an item i have edited with transparency, but i just can't find it back  :-[. I had the same case with the program list panel in start menu, transparency wasn't working, then i found the property to add to enable it and now start menu is perfect... May i do something like that for my current problem, or do i have to set it to opaque (when i'll have find it back, of course... :))

My second bug is with "XPS viewer"... (i don't even know what that app is for...). I would like to know what are these button and see if i can fix that...

I hope i've been clear enough, thanks in advance for your precious help!!!  ;)

Title: Re: Still two bugs i can't fix...
Post by: 3am on April 28, 2010, 06:29:56 pm
First picture is Jump List.  Read this:

Title: Re: Still two bugs i can't fix...
Post by: scoopeeedoo on April 28, 2010, 06:35:25 pm
Hi 3am!

Thanks for this so fast reply and for the link!  ;)
I had another for start menu, this seems to be a very good complement...  :D

Those figures are really useful for beginners, thanks a lot for doing that!

Title: Re: Still two bugs i can't fix...
Post by: 3am on April 28, 2010, 07:36:10 pm
XPS Viewer Buttons:  Toolbars, Headers & Rebar > Toolbars & Headers > Toolbars > DropDown Button

Title: Re: Still two bugs i can't fix...
Post by: scoopeeedoo on April 29, 2010, 04:55:19 am
Ok, i'll see that when i'll come back from work...

Thank you & have a good day!  ;)

Title: Re: Still two bugs i can't fix...
Post by: scoopeeedoo on April 29, 2010, 02:15:02 pm

I'm back and i had a look, but i doesn't seem to be the buttons, they were transparent in the original aero vs yet...
This must be the bar (rebar, tabbar?) which is badly edited... i'm trying to find it back...  :S

Title: Re: Still two bugs i can't fix...
Post by: scoopeeedoo on April 29, 2010, 02:23:42 pm
Still one question, if i may...  :-[

Are those buttons in a system file?
I saw the same ones in the vs, but the edit has no effect...

Thanks again!

Title: Re: Still two bugs i can't fix...
Post by: 3am on April 29, 2010, 02:30:09 pm
The buttons in XPS are Toolbars, Headers & Rebar > Toolbars & Headers > Toolbars > DropDown Button. Just like I told you. I checked them myself.

Title: Re: Still two bugs i can't fix...
Post by: scoopeeedoo on April 29, 2010, 02:34:06 pm
Yep, effectively, they are the good buttons, i've checked too, what i meant is that the buttons don't seem to be the problem because they are transparent in original version...
I must have edited the bar (which is grey in the pic) badly, so the problem appeared...

Damn, you're really fast, buddy!  :| Thanks once again!!!  ;)

Title: Re: Still two bugs i can't fix...
Post by: 3am on April 29, 2010, 02:36:00 pm
These nav buttons and expando buttons in your second picture aren't in msstyles. Could be a system file but I don't know which one. Sorry.

Title: Re: Still two bugs i can't fix...
Post by: 3am on April 29, 2010, 02:42:15 pm
The bar background is Explorer & Shell > Explorer > Command Module > 1

Title: Re: Still two bugs i can't fix...
Post by: scoopeeedoo on April 29, 2010, 02:51:41 pm
Thank you so much, XPS viewer is fixed now!  :D ;)

Title: Re: Still two bugs i can't fix...
Post by: Panda X on April 29, 2010, 10:51:43 pm
For the gadgets window check the files in C:\Program Files\Windows Sidebar\

Title: Re: Still two bugs i can't fix...
Post by: scoopeeedoo on April 29, 2010, 10:53:54 pm
Hi Panda X!

I did and didn't find anything, but i didn't check the icons... Is it there?
I go & check now...

Thanks for replying!!! ;)

Title: Re: Still two bugs i can't fix...
Post by: scoopeeedoo on April 29, 2010, 10:55:56 pm
Ok, found in the "RC Data", thanks a lot!!!

Edit : I close the thread here...

Thanks to everyone and see you next time!